

Owning to their monodisperse nature, structural diversity at nano- and microscale, excellent structural stability, large surface area, and close-packing capability, mesoporous anatase TiO2 spheres (MAS) have attracted increasing interest for photoelectrochemical applications. Traditional template and template-free (e.g. hydro/solvothermal) methods have been developed for the preparation of MAS with solid or hollow inner structure; however, mass production and textural property control have not well realized. Thanks to the colloidal science, monodisperse, amorphorse hydrous TiO2 spheres (HTS) derived from the forced hydrolysis of titanium alkoxides has been recently employed as a versatile self-template for the controllable synthesis of mesoporous TiO2 spheres consisting of well-organized anatase nanocrystallites and possessing hierarchical structures and large surface area.
In this talk, synthetic technique and the underlying formation mechanism of HTS will be first introduced. The key parameters, such as water dosage and the type of the structure-directing agents, are discussed to achieve size-controllable synthesis. Phase and structural transformation from HTS to solid/hollow MTS and perovskite titanates by posttreatments such as hydro/solvothermal proces or UV irradiation are then addressed. Photoelectrochemical applications of these elaborated mesoporous TiO2-based spheres in the fields of environmental photocatalysis, mesoscopic solar cells will be discussed.